VII Jornada técnica Kemin sobre Nutrición de Vacuno LecheroLugo y El Escorial (Madrid), 2, 4 y 5 de julio de 201823/07/2018DIEGO MARTÍNEZ DEL OLMO (KEMIN)Lisina, nutriente esencial en rumiantes validado en el procedimiento de las tres fasesLUGO
DIEGO MARTÍNEZ DEL OLMO (KEMIN)Lisina, nutriente esencial en rumiantes validado en el procedimiento de las tres fasesLUGOJOSÉ EDUARDO P. SANTOS (UFL)Balance de dietas en proteína y aminoácidos para vacas de lecheLUGOJAVIER LÓPEZ (KEMIN)AA en los nuevos modelos de CNCPS 6,55 y Systali 2018. Aspectos prácticosLUGOJOSÉ EDUARDO P. SANTOS (UFL)Minimizar la hipocalcemia y mejorar la salud de las vacas lecheras: modificaciones en la dieta prepartoLUGOJAVIER MATEOS (KEMIN)[ENG] Agenda and objectivesEL ESCORIALHÉLÈNE LAPIERRE (AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-FOOD CANADÁ)[ENG] The route of lysine, from absorption to milk proteinEL ESCORIALJOSÉ EDUARDO P. SANTOS (UFL)[ENG] Balancing diets for protein and amino acids in dairy cows with emphasis on lysine an methionineEL ESCORIALDIEGO MARTÍNEZ DEL OLMO (KEMIN)[ENG] Three step validation criteria to confirm essentiality of lysineEL ESCORIALFERNANDO VALDEZ (KEMIN)[ENG] The role, growth and implementation of Rumen Protected Lysine in diets of lactating dairy cattle in North AmericaEL ESCORIALMICHAEL VAN AMBURGH (UNIVERSIDAD DE CORNELL)[ENG] New CNCPS, general overview and current status of AA formulationEL ESCORIALJOSÉ EDUARDO P. SANTOS (UFL)[ENG] Impact of manipulating the dietary cation-anion difference of prepartum diets on postpartum mineral metabolism, performance and health in dairyEL ESCORIALDEEPAK DUBEY (KEMIN)[ENG] Key Technologies in setting foundation for better lactation persistencyEL ESCORIALMANUEL ROMERO (UNIPROCA)[ENG] Feeding amino acids in dairy goats, a practical approachEL ESCORIALMICHAEL VAN AMBURGH (UNIVERSIDAD DE CORNELL)[ENG] CNCPS new information relative to aspects of AA and proteinEL ESCORIALJAIME MAGDALENA (USC)[ENG] What does the Dairy Industry expect from us?EL ESCORIALHÉLÈNE LAPIERRE (AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-FOOD CANADÁ)[ENG] Are we ready to use a factorial approach to balance dairy rations for amino acids, including lysine?EL ESCORIAL